Sunday, October 13


 Hey guys,I m back with the  yet another topic about cleaning of the teeth . As cleaning of teeth is more important as i told u all in previous article
oral  health= overall health.
So, as to maintain oral health scaling is the most important part of the life , to maintain teeth health is like as we service our vehicles in our daily live ,Scaling is the same procedure of maintaing teeth  health and to maintain it , scaling or cleaning the teeth should be done in every six months a year with the help of scaling our oral hygiene is maintained as we know we clean our  teeth regularly twice in a day but there are some persons who didnt clean there teeth twice. May i know why ?
 I know some persons says  dats its fine ....but its not becoz those persons who are doing brush once a day do they eat their food or anything just once in a day  and the answer is no. So why do we need to neglect our oral health becoz most of the disesases occurs  from mouth so maintaing oral health is a must. there are four steps in maintaining oral health :
    1. Brushing the teeth regularly twice in a day.
    2. Use of mouthwash  like chlorhexidine, listerine  after brushing.
    3. Use of floss for removing the food particles from teeth and within adjoining structures.              
     4. And last but not the least, undergoing a process of scaling every six months in a year.
by foloowing all these procedures i am sure every person will owe a good oral health.

Scaling and root planing, otherwise known as conventional periodontal therapy, non-surgical periodontal therapy, or deep cleaning, is the process of removing or eliminating the etiologic agents – dental plaque, its products, and calculus – which cause inflammation, thus helping to establish a periodontium that is free of disease.

Plaque is a structured resilient yellow-grayish substance that adheres tenaciously to the tooth surfaces including removable and fixed restorations.
 It is an organised bio-film that contains primarily bacteria in a matrix of glycoproteins and extracellular polysaccharides.
 Materia alba is similar to plaque but it lacks the organized structure of plaque and hence easily displaced with rinses and sprays. When this plaque gets mineralized it forms into calculus. Calculus is thus the hard deposit formed by mineralization usually covered by a layer of unmineralized plaque.
Periodontal scaling procedures "include the removal of plaque, calculus and stain from the crown and root surfaces of teeth. Root planing is a specialized skill involving scaling of the root of the tooth, made up of cementum.
 Because cementum is softer than enamel, it is affected more by ongoing build-up and inflammatory byproducts.
 A smooth cementum provides less opportunity for bacteria to accumulate and form calculus. So root planing is an important part of stopping the progression of periodontal disease, especially once deeper pockets have formed in the gums, which is really in the bone. Thus root planing is a specific treatment that removes the roughened cementum and surface dentin that is impregnated with calculus, microorganisms and their toxins.
The objective for periodontal scaling and root planing is to remove etiologic agents which can cause inflammation to the gum tissue and surrounding bone. Common etiologic agents removed by periodontal therapy include dental plaque and tartar (calculus). Scaling and root planing is one of the most effective periodontal methods of treating gum disease before it becomes severe.
Because in periodontal disease pockets form that are deeper than the usual gingival depth, such scaling and root planing are often referred to as deep cleaning, and may be performed using a number of dental tools, including ultrasonic instruments and hand instruments, such as periodontal scalers and curettes.
Removal of adherent plaque and calculus with hand instruments can also be performed prophylactically on patients without periodontal disease. A prophylaxis refers to scaling and polishing of the teeth in order to prevent oral diseases. Polishing does not remove calculus, but only some plaque and stains, and should therefore only be done in conjunction with scaling.
Often, a device may be electric, known as an ultrasonic or sonic scaler.
Scaling and root planing is considered the basic treatment of periodontal diseases and may be the only treatment required to treat mild cases of periodontitis


Ultrasonic scalers vibrate at a frequency that breaks down bacterial cell membranes and removes both plaque and calculus. Hand instruments are used to complete the fine hand scaling that removes anything the ultrasonic scaler left behind.

and thanks for reading..take care

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