Monday, March 4

0raL hEalTh = 0verAll hEalTh

ThiS siMpliFies tHaT --

 0raL hEalTh tHe sUbstAnceS tHaT wE IntAkE iT AffecTs 0uR 0veRall hEalTh aNd aS wE Kn0w  wE IntaKe eVeryThinG 0rallY s0 wE NeeD t0 MainTain iTs 0raL hYgieNe aS Well ,  0theRwisE iT mAy LeaD t0 cAusE 0r mAy IniTiatE vAri0us DiseAseS iN 0uR b0dY... !!!